Feministing.org is hilariously ironic

So as I head over to feministing.org to check out what’s new in the world of feminism, I am greeted with this hilarious image.

Yep, that’s an add for Real social Dynamics on top, you know, the same RSD that encourage such pro feminism actions like The Claw.

Now, what do the fine folks at RSD think about feminism? Senior RSD member Helmholtz writes:

Feminisim is the ultimate shit test.
if you can maintain a frame of Chauvinism  and misogynism in the face of a hardcore feminist – Shell be all up on u

Ooh google adsense, you bring hilarity into my life. How can this possibly get any more hilariously ironic?

By having 2 more RSD advertising banners (and, as you can see, freaking huge ones).

Here’s some advice femisiting.org – please mess with your adsense settings.

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4 Responses to Feministing.org is hilariously ironic

  1. Yeah, I get pro-feminist ads on my blog all the time. I don’t think there’s a way to adjust AdSense to get rid of them, not that I really care. I look at it a different way – if your enemies are dumb enough to give you their cash, you’d be dumber to not take it.

  2. Pingback: Linkage is Good for You: If the Naked Female Body Offends You, Don’t Click Edition (NSFW)

  3. I can one-up you. Check out this screen shot from the Spearhead. lol

  4. clarence says:

    Yeah these ads and things on the various MRA and Feminist blogs are freaking hilarious. I vote for the MRA side of things, but I still see the humor..

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